
Adventures of my life.

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I"M DONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I"M DONE WITH SCHOOLWORK FOR THE YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hi guys!

Hey everyone!

I realllly wish the weather would turn to Summer. Its supposed to be in the high 70's lower 80's this week.. YAY!
So for schoolwork I've been emailing different states seeing if they'd send me pamphlets and the sorts through the mail for my schoolwork, AND SOME HAVE! ITS SOO COOL! lol.


And soo.. Hi. I dont' know what to say. Sorry.

Saturday, June 15, 2013

I know, I'm sorry, and I feel bad.

I know I've been neglecting you. I don't mean to. My other blog, my doll blog, the one that I'm trying to go big, get sponsors and more followers, takes up all my blogging time. I dink around on the computer the rest of the time. I'm sorry.
I will try harder, to keep you updated.

Anywho, for my birthday I got a camera!!! A Canon Elph 130 IS. It. Is. AMAZING!! I LOVE IT TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!!!!

Pictures I've taken with it;

This is how good of close ups it does, thats our carpet, with my camera lense diagonaly touching the ground .Yah.
On my birthday morning,I got up, watched I Love Lucy and had biscuits and gravy. Then I got ready, we picked up my grandma and I went and got a hair feather. (Teal with brown stripes). Then we went to the mall and Red Robin, Yumm... :) Then we went to American Girl where I got the dotted tank and brief set. Then, we went to the store to pick up things for dinner; corn on the cob, onion rings, (had watermelon at home) hot dogs and buns, pop rocks and yah... :) Delicious! But before dinner, I got home and got my swimsuit on, and then opened my presents. A bigger memory card for my camera, (14) a neck strap, (thanks obi) A case (Thanks obi) the camera (thanks everyone) a warranty (thanks everyone). I. Was. So. Happy. :)
Then we went swimming. It. Was. Cold. but FUN! :) Then me and mom stayed up till midnight.. A tradition... I almost didn't make it.. ;)
I'll post about my party soon.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Modest Fashion- how to do it- find your style

I'm back for another post on fashion.. haha!

So last time I mentioned if wearing tight fitting jeans- layer it with a long top. Layering is sooo cute! Its stylish, modest, and amazing. If its hot outside, then you don't feel like layering, really though. Another way to wear jeans is with the in fashion hi-low tops! It makes it in fashion, darling, and so modest! I don't always like to not have a long something In the front, though. Jeans can look to tight on thighs and areas in there. But it really depends on the jeans and style of pants.
With all the tank tops, lace backed tees, racer backs.... It can be hard to not go with the styles. I'm still debating with myself over racerback. I don't like aton of my back showing.... So, for lacebacked shirts, I just use a colorful shirt underneath- it looks sooo pretty! Racer backs use thick strapped tanks that go out far on the shoulders or short or capped sleeved tees. And lowbacked, those are mostly undershirts and should stay that way. The don't look good worn out. Sorry!
Lets talk about shorty-shorts... Umm... Why don't you just wear underwear out and about? I mean seriously! I LOVE the patterns on some, but their WAY to short! I LOVE some of the styles- but wouldn't wear them! I love the ones with slits that have crochet over it.. But their short!!! I try to go for knee length ones, but all of those are just denim or  plaid. (but I love dark denim with cuffed bottoms)
When your dressing in the morning, if your unsure about it being appropriate ask yourself these questions;
Do I feel comfortable even walking in it in front of my family?
Would I feel comfortable in it in front of my dad or brother?
Would I feel comfortable with other boys or girls seeing me wear this?
Would I feel comfortable meeting G-D in this?
That last one is always hard for me. I imagine myself meeting G-D and going up to hug Him. Would I feel embarrassed? Obviously I would rather wear a fancy dress or something in front of Him... but, you know, improvise. ;P

Another thing. I have American Girl Dolls, as you well know. When I dress them- I try to do it in a reflective way to me. My Mom suggested it to me a couple years ago and I haven't been able to get it out of my head. ;P Sometimes I'll fudge it a little. They'll wear shorts. But their dolls. When I played with Barbies, it didnt' matter. And my Mom didn't care. But they were harder to find appropriate clothes.. I'm not even getting into that... lol.

Anyways, that's the end of that and I gotta go.