
Adventures of my life.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Every feel just.. Un-inspired?

Sometimes I feel like writing and if kind of just, flows out of you. Other times, though, I know I should work on my book so I grab my laptop get all set up and then, nothing. Nothing. I write 5 words and put it away because I'm just, so, un-inspired. Sometimes we just need writing breaks, or to watch a movie maybe pertaining in some way or another to the book your writing. Everyone has a different way to get re-inspired again. Maybe you need to go for a walk through the woods, along the beach, through your neighbor-hood. Maybe you need to call up your best friend for advice or, there is so many other things. I'm not sure what inspires me most, maybe inspirational blog posts from other people, maybe a meaningful song. I think, alot of it varies from day-to-day for me. A lot of the times I get inspired when I'm to busy, or can't do it that day.  That happens pretty much every last time. Or I get inspired at night to write or to clean my room. (lol). But most of the time its at a pretty inconvenient time. ;P
So what inspires you most?  :)

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Proverbs Chapter 20

Hey guys!

So I was just reading Proverbs Chapter 20, and paraphrasing it into my notebook and decided to write my paraphrased one into here, okay? Here goes!(P.S. I left out a couple verses because I wasn't sure what they meant but when I ask my mom I'll tell you! :)

1 do not fall into the clutches of alcohol
2 do not anger G-D
3 a wise man does not quarrel, a fool is quick to argue
4 a fool plants to late and reaps nothing 
5 the heart is intricate and deep but a wise man can draw out secrets 
6 men claim to love many but a wise man finds his one true love 
7 a wise man leads his kid in The L-rd 
8 a King sitting down to judge weeds out good and evil
9 no one is without sin
10 ?
11 a child is known by his reputation as well as adults
12 The L-rd has made all of you
13 poor men do nothing but wise men have work 
14 a fool hates what he has then boasts it
15 knowledge is rare for people to speak
16 ?
17 food stolen is bitter-sweet to eat
18 don't be ashamed to ask for help
19 make friends with people who will keep your secrets
20 if one curses his parents he will live in darkness
21 better is money over time then all at once
22 do not give pay back but turn to The L-rd 
23 lying is wrong
24 Th L-rds way is the only way
25 do not haste for that brings upon evil
26 there is no room for evil people and a wise man can risers between wise and evil men
27 The L-rd only sees your inside
28 love and be safe 
29 everyone splendor a differently
30 ?

I hope you enjoyed! If you have an idea of what the missing verses are I'd LOVE to hear your para-phrases version! 

Writing- my favorite pastime

Writing is a big part of my life. I love to write!  I have completed one book and have started editing it online, getting it ready to send to a publisher. I have started another book, as well. The first book I wrote wholly by hand, but this second book I've been typing up on my laptop. I have started dozens of books, countless stories, and used up partly or whole notebooks. I'd love to go back and finish my stories someday, but maybe they will stay unfinished, a treasure to look back upon when I'm and adult, treasure of my childhood, to imagine upon how I might have finished it. Maybe I will finish them all in time- life holds many surprises. The lovely thing about writing is it can be so freeing. Writing without thinking, your hand flying across the paper or keyboard. The problem I seem to have when writing though, I use the word she entirely to much- and I worry about that and fix it and edit and etc so it's not always so freeing. When I am reading a good book I will think about my writing and try to get tips from there on not just having your character talk but use descriptive passages, describe what their doing, use words besides she.  There is so much I still have to learn about writing. But the best way to learn is to keep writing. Never give up on something you love- for me writing, along with other things. 

Tuesday, July 16, 2013


Hey guys! Whats up? Not much with me, either. Later today I have some friends coming over to swim.. As well as other friends tomorrow.. Anyways..

SOO, me and Maddie were texting, and we were saying, wouldn't it be AWESOME if there was such a thing as teleporting??? We live like, 4 hours away from each other so we've only met once but kept in touch through online and texting etc, and we want to see each other, but its complicated. SO we were saying if there was  such a thing as teleporting we could just zip over for lunch or whatever, sleep overs etc! Wouldn't that make life SO much easier? We could go anywhere in the world for absolutely FREE! No need for airports and train stations, buses or cars! How AWESOMELY AMAZING would that be? I have no doubt, really, that one day it will be possible. I have no clue how, but then again I'm not a genius scientist. lol.
Anyways... TTYL!

(Random Picture Time! - This is my cat, Shaggy, the night we brought him home? Isn't he soo cute? ♥)

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


  ok because I wanted to post about something cool!  Some of you may know Maddie from Totally Me . Well, me and her met once years ago, around 2009, at a conference and we hit it off. The problem? We don't live anywhere near each other. :'( So we have never met each other since. But we've kept up a nice friendship thanks to the amazing online world, email and blogger. And now... We realized.. One day.. About a week ago.. The she has an Ipod Touch, and... WE CAN TEXT NOW! It's been awesome and amazingly fun! I don't know why I never thought of that before.. In fact, I'm texting her right now! We only kept up here and there before, but now we update each other EVERY DAY! Isn't this world AMAZING?  I SURE THINK SO! 

So this has been very fun and I'm so thankful to have a friend like Maddie. So please, go check out and follow her blog!
