
Adventures of my life.

Friday, August 17, 2012

I never know..

Seriously! I never know what to write in the header.. It irritates me. :O GRR! Does everybody have that problem?? Please comment if anyone else does- that way I don't feel alone.. (Do I really? Eh, kinda. For the most part- no.)

So, my neighbors got a REALLY cute puppy! She is a girl (Hence, the "She" part of the sentence) They haven't named her- yet. Or, as far as I know. As soon as I find out- I'll post it on here.

Here are some name options I know they are debating of:

Ahtty (means like, Attitude) (They are trying to have a meaning) (Oh, pronounced Addy)
Lola (Song lyrics)
Damari (I forget.. I think from lyrics..)
Marina. (They own a boat.. 'nuff said.)
Those are the ones I know of.. 

well, I am gonna, um, go..

Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Hey all!

So sorry I didn't post.. I got busy.. Horrible excuse. Want one even worse? I kept forgetting.. Um, yeah.

Mm! Ketchup. Mom bought like, 14 bottles and then her and dad set them up on my bed including my doll holding one while i was away at my grandparents. MMM! KETCHUP!
want to know what I like it on? List.

1.) taco time burritos. Bean and cheese burrito.
2.) tater tots.
3.) fries.
4.) quesadillas.
5.)beans/tortillas/eggs. AKA meagus.
6.) scrambled eggs.
7.)and lots of others I can't think of rite now!
Question: what do you guys like it on?

Umm. I got 10 notebooks for a little under $10!! They were on a 10/$10 sale at a store near us.. And then a lady gave us her employe discount that worked on sale stuff, (clearance? Not sure. But I think Soo!!!!) and in all areas like home and stuff through the store.!!!

Friday, August 3, 2012

Fun, fun, fun!

Hey all!

I had fun today we went yard-saleing!
Here is a list of what I got:

American girl Pleasant company hallmark 2004 Samantha ornament. $2.00(that's a mouthful! Lol!)
A sparkly shirt. $2.00
A mini Tabasco bottle for my dolls.$ 25¢
Containers to store doll things in. $ 25¢ each(gonna see of the sale is still there Sunday and buy more!)
Photography book. $?? Can't remember.

Then my family got stuff..
Pictures for our bathroom: (2 of them) $5.00
Electric pencil sharpened: $1.00
Music videos DVD: 25¢
2 CDS: $2.00
Mom got got random books..
I think that's all! Fun, huh? Now most of my doll clothes are organized, just not some accessories- I need more containers..
Anyways, bye!

Thursday, August 2, 2012


Is harder than it looks. Well, at least it HURTS more than you'd think. I only bounced it around with myself for a dew earlier- a few min was all I could take! (even after my dad showed me how to do it rite! :D ) it is very fun, though. I've been having fun watching it on the Olympics, now, I either want to do that, pingpong, or swimming in the Olympics. Will that ever happen? Doubt it... it may just be watching it, and the idea of being in the Olympics. Because when ever I watch a sport thing on TV, I then want to do it and get very in to it..lol. Anybody else like that?
Anybody who follows/and/or-reads my blog play volleyball? If so, ow, and how do you do it? I'm guessing you get used to it. I'd want to play beach volleyball- more to do than on a team. But I've heard it's much harder.

Anybody else like swimming, volleyball, or pingpong?

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

It finally chose!

Yes! It's true! The weather finally chose sunny! At least, for today. Supposedly it may rain tomorrow, but I sure hope not!

On a different note, my book I'm reading is soooo sad! Me and one of my friends both agree! It makes me cry. ;'(

There was a spider in my room today, I made my brother kill it. ;-) girls, don't, kill, spiders. Period.

: B)