
Adventures of my life.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Book to read suggestions.

Hi Ya'll!

I just wanted to tell ya'll about this hyar book series I's readin'! ( I am writing like this because this is sometimes how they talk in the book, and I like it, I think it is fun how they talk!) The books I've been talking 'bout are called: " Mandie and the Secret Tunnel ( That is book 1) Mandie and the Cherokee Legend ( Books 2) Mandie and the Ghost Bandits ( Book 3) Mandie and the forbidden Attic ( Book 4, I am on that book and I got all 5 books on Sunday, June 5th!) and book 5 is Mandie and the Trunks Secret ( Books 5). In this hyar series is a lot more Mandie books, but these are just the 5 that I own. There is around 6 books of  Mandie that has 5 books in it, does that make sense? It means there is 5 books in one giant book, and there is 6 of those. With different books in each, I hope that helped! But they are really good books! And for after you are done reading them, there is a movie! ( We watched the movie before I read the books, but it is a good idea to read them and then watch the movie.)  I'll give you a little summary on two of the books. Hyar is the summary of the first Mandie books: 
Mandie and the secret tunnel summary.
When Mandies' father dies, she is filled with grief. Her 'Mother' sends her off to another  familys house to take care of a baby. Whos' family is really rude to Mandie.  Her Uncle Ned  who promised her father he would look over Mandie and make sure shes safe finds her and helps her find her Uncles Johns house. Where she finds a secret tunnel when she moves in there.  Find out what happens in this sweet story.

Mandie and the Cherokee Legend.
Mandie and her friends find some gold when trying to get out of a cave they got lost in.  Will they ignore the story that gold brings bad luck to the Cherokee people, or will they listen and keep it where it is?  Find out in this adventure seeking story.

Once you start reading these books, you don't want to stop. Especially if you are a book worm like me. I have read 3 of the books in 4 days, I have almost finished the 4th one, and I got the books 5 days ago! They are just such good books, sweet and adventures, sometimes you want to yell at this one boy and go AAAAAAHHHHHHH ( or puke) as her friends Joe asks " Mandie, when you grow up, will you marry me? Will you promise to marry me?" Then Mandie says: " Joe, let me think about it." In the end, Mandie says yes. So, either you want to puke, or say AAAAAAAAAAHHHH. :) But don't worry, it doesn't really have much of that kind of stuff in it. I can't wait to read the rest of these books!
Atira. ♥ :) !

1 comment:

  1. Ok that was sooo sweet! I need to read that book! I own Mandie & the Washington Ghost(or something like that). I also own both Mandie movies! Can't wait to see ya!
    ~Willow & the FSD's
