
Adventures of my life.

Sunday, April 1, 2012


Since I feel like posting, but I dunno what about, I'm going to post total random'ness! YAY for you guys'! 

I just ate some leftover-from-last-night Blazing Onion french fries! (Seriously, that restaurant is soooo good!)
Daddy is making breakfast..
I had a sip of my ginger-ale!
I dunno what I'm going to be doing this morning! 
Maybe I'll make a photo story of my dolls'.. (I love this color green! Didn't know it'd show up so well..)
My fave color right now is purple! (These colors look cool together..)
I'm guessing you guys' are really bored.. Want me to find something more fun to post about? OK! I will.

Well, I'm going to be doing a really neat blog post soon! As soon as I finish it.. (it's going to be really long too!)
 Oh! We have two cherry tree's blooming outside our window! 1 is our neighbors one is ours! Ours is a bright pink theirs is a white-ish pink. Wanna know a cool story about our cherry tree? OK! Here goes!

This is the neat story about our cherry tree. The end! HAHA! JK! APRIL FOOLS!
When we moved into this house my Momma was hoping for a cherry tree, there was this tree in the corner but it wasn't in bloom yet (wasn't the season for it to be) so we had no clue as to what it was. But come spring it bloomed bright and beautiful and now we have a gorgeous cherry tree! We don't eat the cherry's that are very rare off it though..

Anywho, that's our story for today, folks! Hope you enjoyed my super random'ness blog post! Please wait maybe another week for a super awesome supercalafragalisticexpialadocious blog post! (<that really long word over there, yah, you know, it is the Mary Poppins song word! Do you know what I'm talking about?)

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