
Adventures of my life.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013


Remember how I told you about my trip coming up? And How I am just going with my Gramma?? Well, I facetimed my cousin who we are staying with, (I call her my Aunt) and her daughter is 4, and just SO darling! I love her  and her whole family to pieces, but so she just go >SO< excited and wouldn't talk, and she was like blowing makign funny sounds with her lips it was so darling, then she starts talking and its darling, but then, we were about to get off, and she hears I have to go, and she won't say anything, she just sits and stares at me and starts sucking on her hand... its so sweet.. and sad... :( I will see you soon, dear cousins! They have a countdown like me and she crosses off each day!!!


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