
Adventures of my life.

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Writing- my favorite pastime

Writing is a big part of my life. I love to write!  I have completed one book and have started editing it online, getting it ready to send to a publisher. I have started another book, as well. The first book I wrote wholly by hand, but this second book I've been typing up on my laptop. I have started dozens of books, countless stories, and used up partly or whole notebooks. I'd love to go back and finish my stories someday, but maybe they will stay unfinished, a treasure to look back upon when I'm and adult, treasure of my childhood, to imagine upon how I might have finished it. Maybe I will finish them all in time- life holds many surprises. The lovely thing about writing is it can be so freeing. Writing without thinking, your hand flying across the paper or keyboard. The problem I seem to have when writing though, I use the word she entirely to much- and I worry about that and fix it and edit and etc so it's not always so freeing. When I am reading a good book I will think about my writing and try to get tips from there on not just having your character talk but use descriptive passages, describe what their doing, use words besides she.  There is so much I still have to learn about writing. But the best way to learn is to keep writing. Never give up on something you love- for me writing, along with other things. 

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