
Adventures of my life.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I have some sad news.

Hey everyone.

Remember the fish I was telling you I got? Yeah, his name was Sully. was. Last Friday, I was face-timing with the Grandma who got Sully for me, and I went in my room to show her Sully, and when I looked in his tank,  he, he had died. (I'm tearing up right now). My friend had noticed, just the day before,  that he had a fungus  on him. So we put some nutrufin in his tank, to heal him, if that didn't work we were going to go buy more medicine, but yah. We took him in to Bridges Pets and they said he probably had it when we bought him, so it wasn't our fault. I got a new fish, and named him Kitty. (Because in Monsters Inc Sully, was also called Kitty, by Boo. :} ) My new fish is  bright purple and blue, very active, he eats alot, and before we left Bridges we had them check him out, and I made sure to get an active one. I didn't feel like repeating what had happened before..

I'll try to update again soon.


  1. Hi Atira. Oh that's so sad:-( I'm glad you have a good healthy one now though. And I love that your keeping him Kitty! Sully is my favorite character in Monsters Inc.
    Love ya!

  2. oh... That is really sad. losing a pet (even a fish) is really sad. I am glad you got a new one. :D


  3. Thanks, you guys'! I really appreciate it.
